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Zamab ge a kai
Zama is great!
Michael Oguttu
Vusi Malindi
Mattheus Goraseb
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Ti ǃgâsarob ge kaixuse ra ǁom.
My little brother sleeps very late. I wake early, because I am great!
Ti ta ge soresa ra ǃnareta.
I am the one who lets in the sun.
Ti îs ge ra mî, ti ta ge koma ǁîs di ǁgoaǀamirota, ti.
“You’re my morning star,” says Ma.
Hoa ǁgoade ta ra aitsama ǁāsen, hui-e ta ǂhâba tama hâ.
I wash myself, I don’t need any help.
ǃKhaiǁgam hâ, ǂhoa sē hân ge ǁaes tsîna ta hî tama xūna.
I can cope with cold water and blue smelly soap.
“Xawe ǁgûde tâ ǀuru”, tis ra mamasa ǂâiǂâi ǃnâ te.
Ma reminds, “Don’t forget teeth.” I reply, “Never, not me!”
ǁasen toa ta kara, o ta ge ti ǁnaob tsî mâǂkhams hâra ra tawede ǁnāxu.
After washing, I greet Grandpa and Auntie, and wish them a good day.
Sao rase ta ra ǂgaeǂgāsen.
Then I dress myself, “I’m big now Ma,” I say.
Tita ge ti kunubede aitsama ra ǂganam tsî ti ǁharode aisama ra ǃgae.
I can close my buttons and buckle my shoes.
Tita ge ra ti ǃgâsaroba ra ǂâiǂâiǃnâ, mâ ǁguiǂamdeb go skola māǂui.
And I make sure little brother knows all the school news.
ǃGūs ǃnâ ra mâhe ǁguiǂamde ta ra dīǀoaǀoa.
In class I do my best in every way.
Nē ǃgâi xūn hoana ta ge tsekorobe ra dī.
I do all these good things every day. But the thing I like most, is to play and play!
Written by: Michael Oguttu
Illustrated by: Vusi Malindi
Translated by: Mattheus Goraseb