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A chicken and a millipede walking along a road.

A Galinha e a Centopéia Chicken and Millipede

Written by Winny Asara

Illustrated by Magriet Brink

Translated by Mikayla Rodrigues, Priscilla Freitas de Oliveira

Read by Alfredo Ferreira

Language Portuguese

Level Level 3

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A chicken and a millipede walking along a road.

A Galinha e a Centopéia eram amigas. Mas elas estavam sempre competindo uma com a outra. Um dia, elas decidiram jogar futebol para ver quem era a melhor jogadora.

Chicken and Millipede were friends. But they were always competing with each other. One day they decided to play football to see who the best player was.

A chicken and a millipede playing football.

Elas foram para o campo de futebol e começaram seu jogo. A Galinha era rápida, mas a Centopéia era mais rápida. A Galinha chutou longe, mas a Centopéia chutou ainda mais longe. A Galinha começou a ficar mal-humorada.

They went to the football field and started their game. Chicken was fast, but Millipede was faster. Chicken kicked far, but Millipede kicked further. Chicken started to feel grumpy.

A chicken standing in front of a football net.

Elas decidiram jogar uma disputa de pênaltis. Primeiro a Centopéia era goleira. A Galinha marcou apenas um gol. Depois foi a vez da Galinha defender a meta.

They decided to play a penalty shoot-out. First Millipede was goal keeper. Chicken scored only one goal. Then it was the chicken’s turn to defend the goal.

Millipede scoring a goal.

A Centopéia chutou a bola e marcou. A Centopéia driblou a bola e marcou. A Centopéia cabeceou a bola e marcou. A Centopéia marcou cinco gols.

Millipede kicked the ball and scored. Millipede dribbled the ball and scored. Millipede headed the ball and scored. Millipede scored five goals.

An angry-looking chicken.

A Galinha estava furiosa por ter perdido. Ela não sabia perder. A Centopéia começou a rir porque sua amiga estava fazendo muito barulho.

Chicken was furious that she lost. She was a very bad loser. Millipede started laughing because his friend was making such a fuss.

A chicken opening its beak wide to eat the millipede.

A Galinha estava tão irritada que abriu o bico largo e engoliu a Centopéia.

Chicken was so angry that she opened her beak wide and swallowed the millipede.

A chicken walking with a ball under its arm talking to a millipede.

Quando a Galinha estava voltando para casa, ela encontrou a Mãe Centopéia. A Mãe Centopéia perguntou, “Você viu a minha filha?” A Galinha não respondeu nada. A Mãe Centopéia estava preocupada.

As Chicken was walking home, she met Mother Millipede. Mother Millipede asked, “Have you seen my child?” Chicken didn’t say anything. Mother Millipede was worried.

A voice coming from inside a chicken standing next to a millipede.

Depois a Mãe Centopéia ouviu uma vozinha. “Me ajuda mãe!” chorou a voz. Mãe Centopéia olhou e ouviu atentamente. A voz veio de dentro da Galinha.

Then Mother Millipede heard a tiny voice. “Help me mom!” cried the voice. Mother Millipede looked around and listened carefully. The voice came from inside the chicken.

An ill-looking chicken.

A Mãe Centopéia gritou: “Usa o seu poder especial filha!” As Centopéias podem soltar um mau cheiro e um gosto terrível. A Galinha começou a se sentir mal.

Mother Millipede shouted, “Use your special power my child!” Millipedes can make a bad smell and a terrible taste. Chicken began to feel ill.

A chicken coughing.

A Galinha arrotou. Depois, ela engoliu e cuspiu. Depois espirrou e tossiu. E tossiu. A Centopéia era nojenta!

Chicken burped. Then she swallowed and spat. Then she sneezed and coughed. And coughed. The millipede was disgusting!

A millipede in a puddle of spit.

A Galinha tossiu até que tossiu a Centopéia para fora do seu estômago. A Mãe Centopéia e sua filha subiram em uma árvore para se esconderem.

Chicken coughed until she coughed out the millipede that was in her stomach. Mother Millipede and her child crawled up a tree to hide.

Two millipedes hiding up a tree and a chicken nearby.

A partir desse dia, as galinhas e as centopéias eram inimigas.

From that time, chickens and millipedes were enemies.

Written by: Winny Asara
Illustrated by: Magriet Brink
Translated by: Mikayla Rodrigues, Priscilla Freitas de Oliveira
Read by: Alfredo Ferreira
Language: Portuguese
Level: Level 3
Source: Chicken and Millipede from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 International License.
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