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Mo mosong mongwe mmemogolo a bitsa Susi,”Susi. tsweetswee tsaya lee le o ye go lo naya batsadi ba gago. Ba batla go direla lenyalo lwa ga mogoloo kuku e tona.”
Early one morning Vusi’s granny
called him, “Vusi, please take this
egg to your parents. They want to
make a large cake for your sister’s
Mo tseleng go ya kwa batsadi ba gagwe, Susi a kopana le basimane ba le babedi ba ba selang maungo. Mongwe wa mosimane a phamola lee mo go Susi a le ngati mo setlhareng. Lee le ne la thubega.
On his way to his parents, Vusi met
two boys picking fruit. One boy
grabbed the egg from Vusi and shot
it at a tree. The egg broke.
“O dirile eng?” Susi o ne a lela. “Lee le wa ke la kuku. Kuku ke ya lentalo la go nkgonne. Nkgonne o ka reng fa go se na kuku mo lenyalong la gagwe?”
“What have you done?” cried Vusi.
“That egg was for a cake. The cake
was for my sister’s wedding. What
will my sister say if there is no
wedding cake?”
Basimane ba ne ba ikwatlhaela go rumola Susi.” Ga re kgone go thusa ka kuku, mme logong le le tsamayang ke le la ga mogoloo.”mongwe a bua.Susi a tswelela ka loeto la gagwe.
The boys were sorry for teasing
“We can’t help with the cake, but
here is a walking stick for your
sister,” said one.
Vusi continued on his journey.
Mo tseleng a kopana le banna ba le babedi a aga ntlo.”A re kgona go dirisa logong le le thata leo?”ga botsa mongwe. Logong ga le thata sentle go ka aga. mme la robega.
Along the way he met two men
building a house. “Can we use that
strong stick?” asked one.
But the stick was not strong enough
for building, and it broke.
“O dirile eng?” Susi o ne a lela.”Logonng leo e ne e le mpho ya ga nkgonne. Ba seedi ba maungo ke bone ba neileng logong leo ka gone ba thubile lee la kuku.Kuku e ne direlwa lenyalo la ga nkgonne. Jaanong ga go na lee, ga go na mpho.Nkgonne o ka reng jaanong?”
“What have you done?” cried Vusi.
“That stick was a gift for my sister.
The fruit pickers gave me the stick
because they broke the egg for the
cake. The cake was for my sister’s
wedding. Now there is no egg, no
cake, and no gift. What will my
sister say?”
Baagi ba ne ba ikwatlhaela go roba logong. “Re kgona go thusa ka kuku, go na le lotlhaka go lo naya mogoloo.”mongwe a bua. Susi a tswelela ka loeto la gagwe.
The builders were sorry for breaking
the stick.
“We can’t help with the cake, but
here is some thatch for your sister,”
said one.
And so Vusi continued on his
Mo tseleng, Susi a kopana le morui le kgomo. A lotlhaka lo lo monate, a o kgona go mpha go le go nnyenyane?” kgomo ya botsa. Mme lotlhaka lo ne lo le monate thata gore kgomo e lo je lotlhe!
Along the way, Vusi met a farmer
and a cow. “What delicious thatch,
can I have a nibble?” asked the cow.
But the thatch was so tasty that the
cow ate it all!
“O dirile eng?” Susi o ne a lela. Lothaka loo e ne e le mpho ya ga nkgonne. Baagi ba ne ba naya lotlhaka ka gone ba ne ba robile logong lo ke lo bone go tswa basedi ba maungo. Basedi ba maungo ba neile logong ka ntlha ya gore ba thubile lee la kuku ya ga nkgonne. Kuku e ne e le ya lenyalo la go nkgonne. Jaanong lee ga leo, kuku ga e yo, ga go na mpho. Nkgonne o ka reng?”
“What have you done?” cried Vusi.
“That thatch was a gift for my
sister. The builders gave me the
thatch because they broke the stick
from the fruit pickers. The fruit
pickers gave me the stick because
they broke the egg for my sister’s
cake. The cake was for my sister’s
wedding. Now there is no egg, no
cake, and no gift. What will my
sister say?”
Kgomo ya ikwatlhaela seo mme e timana. Morui a dumalana gore kgomo e kgona go tsamaya le Susi e le mpho ya ga mogoloe. Susi a tsaya kgomo a tsamaya.
The cow was sorry she was greedy.
The farmer agreed that the cow
could go with Vusi as a gift for his
sister. And so Vusi carried on.
Ka nako ya dijo tsa maitsiboa kgomo ya tsiela kwa moruing. Mme Susi a timelwa ke tsela mo loetong la gagwe. O ile go goroga thari kwa lenyalong lwa ga mogoloe. Balalediwa ba setse ba ja.
But the cow ran back to the farmer
at supper time.
And Vusi got lost on his journey.
He arrived very late for his sister’s
wedding. The guests were already
” Ke tla dira eng?” Susi o ne a lela. “Kgomo e e sieleng e ne e le mpho, e ke e neilweng ke baagi mo boemong jwa lotlhaka. Baagi ba neile lotlhaka gone ba lo robileng go tswa basedi ba maungo Basedi ba maungo ba neile logong ka gone ba thubile lee la kuku.Kuku e ne e le ya lenyalo.Jaanong ga go na lee, kuku, le mpho.”
“What shall I do?” cried Vusi.
“The cow that ran away was a gift,
in return for the thatch the builders
gave me. The builders gave me the
thatch because they broke the stick
from the fruit pickers. The fruit
pickers gave me the stick because
they broke the egg for the cake.
The cake was for the wedding. Now
there is no egg, no cake, and no
Mogoloe Susi a akanya sebakanyana. mme a re, “Susi kgatsadiaake,Boammaaruri ga ke na sepe le mpho.Ga rekegele le jone ka kuku! Rotlhe re mmogo fa, Ke itumetse.Jaanong tswala diaparo tsa gago tse dintle re keteke letsatsi le! Se ke se Susi a se dirileng.
Vusi’s sister thought for a while,
then she said,
“Vusi my brother, I don’t really care
about gifts. I don’t even care about
the cake! We are all here together, I
am happy. Now put on your smart
clothes and let’s celebrate this
And so that’s what Vusi did.