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A crowd of people standing together smiling.

Matokwero Decision

Written by Ursula Nafula

Illustrated by Vusi Malindi

Translated by Ruthgela Shawanga

Language Thimbukushu

Level Level 2

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A crowd of people standing around a water tap.

Mukunda wange wa karire no maghukukutu gho mengi. Nga tukaranga mumuyira ghoghure tuvete meyu kupomba.

My village had many problems. We made a long line to fetch water from one tap.

A line of people waiting for food donations.

Nga tutatereranga yidya eyi hana tupa hamweya.

We waited for food donated by others.

A woman locking her front door.

Nga tukutjaperanga wangu pamurandu gho haka widhi.

We locked our houses early because of thieves.

A man and woman standing next to a boy outside a school.

Hanuke hohengi hashwayire mushure.

Many children dropped out of school.

Two girls dressed as maids walking through a village.

Hakamadighana nga gha rughananga mumayimbo mumikunda dhimweya.

Young girls worked as maids in other villages.

Boys roaming around a village and a woman carrying shopping on her head.

Hakafumughana nga ha rendarendanga mumukunda no hamwe haruwanine kumafarama.

Young boys roamed around the village while others worked on people’s farms.

Gusts of wind blowing waste paper onto trees.

Apa wa pungire mupepo, yipepa ya tukere kuyitundo no kundarata.

When the wind blew, waste paper hung on trees and fences.

A boy sitting holding his injured foot.

Hanu nga haremananga kumakende gho kupayuka agha hamwayire hanu kehemu hakukuyuvera.

People were cut by broken glass that was thrown carelessly.

People standing around a water tap.

Diyuwa dimweya, pomba gha shayekire kupita meyu no gha kukutire. Mandini ghetu gha karire mukunguru.

Then one day, the tap dried up and our containers were empty.

A man standing outside a house with two children talking with a woman.

Tate ghayendire tunda dimbo yenda dimbo ghatongwere hanu hakuyende kuthigongi.

My father walked from house to house asking people to attend a village meeting.

People sitting under a big tree listening to a man speaking.

Hanu ha hungumanine muthitondo thothikuru no haterere.

People gathered under a big tree and listened.

A man speaking to a crowd of people sitting under a tree.

Tate ghemanine no kughamba, “Twa nyanda kuruwana pofotji mukukoshonona maghukukutu ghetu.”

My father stood up and said, “We need to work together to solve our problems.”

A boy sitting on a tree trunk raising his hand.

Juma gho myaka kwokohatu, oyu gha hungumanine kuthitondo gha kugherire, “Kukona nighamwene kukenitha.”

Eight-year-old Juma, sitting on a tree trunk shouted, “I can help with cleaning up.”

A woman suggesting women join her to grow food.

Mbuyama ghofotji gha ghambire, “Hambuyama kukona tukupakerere tu kune yidya.”

One woman said, “The women can join me to grow food.”

A man suggesting men help to dig a well.

Katughuru ghumwe ghemanine no kughamba, “Hatutughuru ṅanyi ha kuthime dithima.”

Another man stood up and said, “The men will dig a well.”

A crowd of people standing together smiling.

Twaheya twa kuyere no diywi dyofotji, “Twakona kutjindja ghukaro wetu.” Kutunda diyuwa di twa ruwanine pofotji mu kukoshonona maghukukutu ghetu.

We all shouted with one voice, “We must change our lives.” From that day we worked together to solve our problems.

Written by: Ursula Nafula
Illustrated by: Vusi Malindi
Translated by: Ruthgela Shawanga
Language: Thimbukushu
Level: Level 2
Source: Decision from African Storybook
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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