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Nare, kwa kere mbanze go kugovara goudwa. Age kwa tungire noguhwe wokukurupa mo wiza wa Kalahari
Long ago, there was a foolish lazy jackal. He lived with his old father in the Kalahari bush.
Ngurangura zimwe mbanze go ku kurupa kwa pindukire a ka gwane munwendi a rara momutenya. Nondja kapi dinapi ano yikombo ayo simpe mosinyongo! “Mumati gona, ove udwa! Kaze oka papare mukadi. Ame na kurupa kapi tanivhuru kupakere mbili,” yimo va uyungire oguhwe va Mbanze. Mbanze yipo ga pindukire a ka lise yikombo.
One morning Old Jackal woke up to find his son sleeping in the sun. The food was not ready and the goats were still in the kraal!
“Young man, you are so lazy! Go and find a wife. I am too old to look after you,” said Jackal’s father. So Jackal jumped up and took the goats out to graze.
Mowiza, age kwa mwene sininke sina kuvembera pemanya. Yipo gehederere pepi nemanya. Moomu ga hederere popepi nouwa wosinininke nawo yimo una ku vembera. Nampo yige mukadedi gogu?!
In the bush, he saw something shining on a rock. He went closer and closer to the rock. The closer he got, the more beautiful the shine was. Perhaps this was the wife for him?!
“Ove omuwa,” yimo ana ku uyunga Mbanze ko sininke esi sina kutema. “Nye nyove yilye? Morwa sinke ono karere nyovelike?” “Ame nyame ezuva,” yimo lina kulimburura. “Ekoro lyange kwa sigange apa vazire. Kapi va here kusimbange. Ame upyu unene.
“You are beautiful,” said Jackal to the shine. “But who are you? Why are you alone?”
“I am the sun,” the shine answered. “My family left me here when they moved on. They did not want to carry me. I am too hot.”
Mbanze ta uyunga asi “Nye ove omuwa! Tani kusimbi. Ame tani ku twara kembo o ka mone otate.” “Nawa tupu, simbange tupu. Nye kapisi o sivane apa nani pupyara unene,” yimo lina ku uyunga ezuva.
The jackal said, “But you are so beautiful! I will carry you. I will take you home to meet my father.”
“All right, you can carry me. But do not complain when I get too hot for you,” said the sun.
So Jackal put the sun on his back and started the journey home. Before long, the sun was burning Jackal’s fur.
“Will you please come down from my back? I need to rest,” said Jackal. His back was so sore that he could hardly walk.
“Just carry on!” said the sun. “I told you not to complain!”
Makura Mbanze ta mono sisindi monzira. Yipo ga kokavere konhi zosisindi yipo ezuva li gwepo.
Then Jackal saw a log across the path. He crawled under the log so that the sun would fall off.
Nye sisindi ta siputura sipapa nono huki dendi domo mugongo makura tadi sigi konyima nezuva.
But the log also scraped the skin and fur from his back and they were left behind with the sun.
Nohuki do nompe kwa lisigire nedi da kere korutu nare. Elisigo eli nkenye apa nga lidiworokesa Mbanze asi kapisi agovare hena.
The new fur was a different colour to the fur on the rest of his body. The different colours always reminded Jackal not to be so foolish again.